How to Hire Mesothelioma Lawyer

5 Top Mesothelioma Law Firm Mesothelioma law firm is among the most popular law firms in the US considering the high number of asbestos exposure case. In the US history itself, the mesothelioma lawsuit is considered the longest running litigation due to the disease’s long latency period. Therefore, most of the cases are not going to trial but settled out of court. When you know someone close to you diagnosed with asbestos related disease, it is important to look for assistance of experienced and highly qualified lawyer who will navigate the time consuming and complicated lawsuit process in order to get the maximum compensation. In this case, there are 5 best law firms in US to handle the mesothelioma case that you can consider choosing. Kazan Law Firm This Mesothelioma law firm is based in California and has been known for one of the most experienced law firms to handle mesothelioma case. For years, the firm has handled thousands of cases caused by asbestos related disease. Founded in 1974, this firm has always been full of dedicated lawyer teams, paralegals and also the professional investigators. The winning percentage of the case that has been handled by this firm is considered high. And, your case will be another winning case. And, the firm also supports the Pro Bono work so you can consider submitting your case as one of their Pro Bono works. Bergman Draper Ladenburg The next best Mesothelioma law firm in the US has been operating for decades. This law firm is full of mesothelioma lawyer teams with years of experience and dedication to help the victims obtaining the maximum compensation. At the same time, the firm also helps the victim to cope with hardships coming along with this mesothelioma disease. In the Pacific Northwest, this firm has been handling the most cases compared to other firms with high winning percentage. Motley Rice Since 1970, this Mesothelioma law firm has been in operation. Founded by Joe Rice and Ron Motley, this firm has been working with team of highly experienced and qualified lawyers to help the asbestos exposure victims. Until today, there have been thousands of cases handled by the firm with most of the clients compensated for their claims. Moreover, the firm has also been active in asbestos litigation and advocacy. Karst and von Oiste Another recommended Mesothelioma law firm that has been representing thousands of clients in US, Cana, Mexico and even in Caribbean. This law firm has national reputation and consists of experienced and qualified lawyers who have been dedicating themselves to help the mesothelioma victims. The firm builds its solid reputation through achievement of substantial verdicts and settlements. Moreover, the firm has also been assisting of other catastrophic injuries’ victims like defective products and medical malpractice. Brayton Purcell The last firm on the list is known as Brayton Purcell law firm with more than 30 years of experience handling the asbestos litigation. With 45 experienced and qualified lawyers, this firm is certainly considered as among the best Mesothelioma law firm in the US. Signs of Bad Mesothelioma Law Firm A victim of asbestos exposure is not always blessed with a good and professional lawyer. Some of them end with hiring not so qualified lawyer from Mesothelioma law firm. Finding the best lawyer is very important in any lawsuit especially in asbestos related lawsuit as it is usually more difficult and complicated. So, if you consider yourself unfamiliar with hiring a lawyer, it is necessary to be aware of the signs of bad law firm and lawyer to make sure you don’t end up hiring the wrong lawyer. Lawyers Plans to Pass the Case Off When you come across a lawyer who doesn’t say explicitly that he/she will handle the case in house, never hire him/her. The lawyer who says so will pass your case off instead of handling it himself. This actually is some kind of brokerage service that you should avoid in the first place. It may be hard to believe but this kind of thing is quite common. Usually, the law firm tries to convince the client that they are truly a Mesothelioma law firm but actually are not. And once they get your case, they will distribute it to another firm. Less Than 5 Years of Experience Experience is among the top qualifications of every lawyer including in asbestos related case. Lawyer with more experience is likely having better skill and specialization. In this case, find lawyer and Mesothelioma law firm with at least 5 years of experience handling mesothelioma case. You must know that the asbestos legal is among the multifaceted and complicated that it requires the best lawyer to handle and win the case. This qualification shows that the lawyer has solid understanding regarding the science behind exposure to asbestos and everything related to the case. It is true that hiring highly experienced lawyer means paying more fees but it should not be a problem. When the case is handled by top notch lawyer, the chance of winning the case is bigger rather than having the case handled by amateur lawyer. But don’t worry about the fee though because every mesothelioma lawyer follows contingency fee which means he will only get the payment once the case is successful. The amount of the fee is around 25 % to 30% of the total damage compensation the victim gets. But it can be a bit higher if you have the case handled by more experienced lawyer from qualified Mesothelioma law firm. Unable to Provide References For every lawyer, reference is very substantial. It is so important that the lawyer will find it hard to find clients if he is not able to provide reference. In this case, it should always be good reference that consists of the contacts of previous clients that have their cases won by the lawyer. The longer list of reference, the better it is. And, the reference should be written so you can check some of it by yourself by contacting the previous clients and ask some questions regarding the lawyer from your chosen Mesothelioma law firm.

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